Twikini version 1.0 released!
The entire reason I started using Twitter if the first place was to have an excuse to play with the many clients available for Windows Mobile. I have a thing for good software. :) After quite some time I thought I had finally settled on a Twitter client for my phone... Until I saw a news post about this great new Twitter client called Twikini. I'll admit, the name put me off a bit at first but it looked nice and claimed to be fast (which my current Twitter client was far from) so I gave it a try. Having only used Twikini for a day I was convinced. It was FAST and just had that feel of really well written software. It was a joy to use. Twikini's feature set is truly amazing, there are far too many to go into here but I'll touch on a few I really like. Inline display of Twitpic pictures! This is a great feature and a true time saver. Most of the time a quick thumbnail view is all you really need to get the gist of someone's Twitpic post. For those times when you need mo