
Showing posts from May, 2009

Twikini version 1.0 released!

The entire reason I started using Twitter if the first place was to have an excuse to play with the many clients available for Windows Mobile. I have a thing for good software. :) After quite some time I thought I had finally settled on a Twitter client for my phone... Until I saw a news post about this great new Twitter client called Twikini. I'll admit, the name put me off a bit at first but it looked nice and claimed to be fast (which my current Twitter client was far from) so I gave it a try. Having only used Twikini for a day I was convinced. It was FAST and just had that feel of really well written software. It was a joy to use. Twikini's feature set is truly amazing, there are far too many to go into here but I'll touch on a few I really like. Inline display of Twitpic pictures! This is a great feature and a true time saver. Most of the time a quick thumbnail view is all you really need to get the gist of someone's Twitpic post. For those times when you need mo

Shipping overkill?

We recently purchased 25 refurbished Cisco switches from a company. One of them was defective so we returned it or another one. Well, that one arrived today in this box... That's just nuts... ;) Ah! There is something in there! All this box for a single switch??! Umm, ok...