Yeah, kinda. I wouldn't go as far as to say creepy on a hot wheels collector level but some of them are rather "intense". I've had GI Joe toys all my life. Some of my first toys. They were a LOT cheaper than Transformers and were pretty cool to play with. Neat weapons and vehicles and a cool TV show to boot. But with the end of the 80's so came the end of GI Joe, or mostly. The toy line and show petered out for the most part. There were a few lines over the years since. Not all that successful, until recently. I want to say it started slightly before Sigma 6 There was a new line with slightly different design. Less Joe style more super hero style. The toy design that is. I guess it was pretty big with the collectors and based on their input the toys slowly moved back to more of the original design. Ball joint hips and swivel waste and such. I got a few of these here and there. Just my favorite character or 2, not a lot. Then the new cartoon, Sigma 6...